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Dental Veneers in Abbotsford

Clayburn Dental in Abbotsford offers veneers treatment for patients who wish to correct discoloured, chipped, gapped, misaligned or aged teeth. 

What are dental veneers?

Veneers are very thin pieces of durable, tooth-shaped porcelain that are custom-made (for shape and colour) by a professional dental laboratory. They are bonded onto the front of teeth to help correct or enhance a smile. They can often serve as alternatives to crowns, and may be the ideal solution in treating many dental conditions.

Dental Veneers in Abbotsford: The Benefits

Veneers have a number of potential benefits, including:

Correcting Dental Concerns: From severely discoloured or stained teeth, to fractures and gaps in between teeth, veneers can effectively correct these concerns. With veneers, the overall look of the smile is aesthetically changed and improved to meet your dental goals.

Low Maintenance: Maintaining and preserving veneers is as easy as proper dental hygiene. Regular brushing and flossing should adequately maintain your restorations.

Dental Veneers, Abbotsford Dentist

Dental Veneers Treatment Process

Getting veneers usually requires two visits to complete treatment. The teeth are prepared by lightly buffing and shaping the surface to allow for the thickness of the veneer. A mold or impression of the teeth are taken and a shade (colour) will then be chosen by you and the dentist.

On the second visit, the teeth will be cleansed with special liquids to achieve a durable bond. Bonding cement is then placed between the tooth and veneer, and a special light beam is used to harden and set the bond.

Are there any special care instructions to maintaining veneers?

Maintaining your dental veneers is similar to taking care of your natural teeth. A strong daily hygiene routine is important to maintain. This means brushing and flossing your teeth regularly, at least twice a day.

Also, avoid eating hard foods that may crack your veneers. Decreasing or eliminating consumption of items such as tobacco and coffee is best, as this could discolour or stain the veneer.

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